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Turtleneck Slim Fit Ribbed
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SKU: 14:193;5:361385
Quick Overview
SPECIFICATIONSBrand Name: machedaElasticity: High StrecthSleeve Style: regularFabric Type: KnittingHign-concerned Chemical: NonePattern Type: SolidFit Type: SlimSilhouette: SheathNeckline: TurtleneckDecoration: ZippersStyle: CasualDresses Length: Above Knee, MiniMaterial: POLYESTERMaterial: SPANDEXAge: MIDDLE AGEOrigin: Mainland ChinaCN: GuangdongSeason: AutumnClosure Type: PulloverType: regularMaterial Composition: synthetic fiberWaistline: NaturalSleeve Length(cm): FullRelease Date: Autumn 2022Profile Type: XModel Number: D1735594Place Of Origin: China...
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Brand Name: macheda
Elasticity: High Strecth
Sleeve Style: regular
Fabric Type: Knitting
Hign-concerned Chemical: None
Pattern Type: Solid
Fit Type: Slim
Silhouette: Sheath
Neckline: Turtleneck
Decoration: Zippers
Style: Casual
Dresses Length: Above Knee, Mini
Material: SPANDEX
Origin: Mainland China
CN: Guangdong
Season: Autumn
Closure Type: Pullover
Type: regular
Material Composition: synthetic fiber
Waistline: Natural
Sleeve Length(cm): Full
Release Date: Autumn 2022
Profile Type: X
Model Number: D1735594
Place Of Origin: China (mainland)
Gender: WOMEN
Choice: yes
NOTE:Many customers have reported that the size of this dress is too small,it is recommended to take a larger size! !If you like it shorter, you can buy it according to the usual size.
If you don't know how to choose the size that suits you, please feel free to contact customer service, thank you!
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