The Stuttgart - Men's

The Wanderers Travel Co.
SKU: W125962-JK-014
Regular Price $399.00 Sale Price Unit price: $0.00
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Quick Overview

Description Details Measurements Description There is something strangely symmetrical about the city of Stuttgart. Wandering this part of Southwest Germany, the architecture is simple and safe - much like the city itself. There is a buzz around the restaurant scene and a youth-y feel to the population; Stuttgart is a...

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There is something strangely symmetrical about the city of Stuttgart. Wandering this part of Southwest Germany, the architecture is simple and safe - much like the city itself. There is a buzz around the restaurant scene and a youth-y feel to the population; Stuttgart is a university town known to be the headquarters of such global players as Porsche, Bosch and IBM.

You’ll fit right in while wandering the creative and trendsetting industries in our Stuttgart full grain leather jacket - its structured cut with beautiful seams and double pockets is reminiscent of your favourite denim jacket but with an edgy and yet refined look. Both quality and beauty have met their match in what will undoubtedly become a crowd favourite in our newest addition to the Wanderers jacket range.

PLEASE NOTE: The Stuttgart is true to size. Our model is 187cm wearing a size M.


  • Full grain lamb leather
  • Zipper closure
  • Cropped Denim Jacket Style with flat seam stitching
  • Press-stud closure on cuffs
  • 2 x external open pockets
  • 2 x external press-stud pockets
  • Satin lining


PLEASE NOTE: The Stuttgart is true to size. Our model is 187cm wearing a size M.

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