The Manchester - Men's

The Wanderers Travel Co.
SKU: W125947-JK-016
Regular Price $379.00 Sale Price Unit price: $0.00
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Description Details Measurements Description Whether wandering down the lane for a takeaway cuppa, or enjoying the Northern hospitality of a Manchester bar, there is something for everyone in this city that boasts modern brilliance and old-world charm around every corner. And it is that traditional modern charm that inspired our...

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Whether wandering down the lane for a takeaway cuppa, or enjoying the Northern hospitality of a Manchester bar, there is something for everyone in this city that boasts modern brilliance and old-world charm around every corner.

And it is that traditional modern charm that inspired our Manchester full grain leather Jacket - a collarless vest-style jacket with an adjustable brass buckle detail on the back for that tailored look. The subtle take on a classic design will catch people’s eye whether you are out for a game at Old Trafford or taking in the sights at Albert Square. 

*PLEASE NOTE: The Manchester is a true to size fit. Our model is 187cm and wearing a size M.


  • Full grain leather
  • Press-stud button closure
  • Tailored collarless vest style 
  • Adjustable buckle at the back
  • 3 x open pockets
  • Satin lining


*PLEASE NOTE: The Manchester is a true to size fit. Our model is 187cm and wearing a size M.

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