The Zermatt - Men's

The Wanderers Travel Co.
SKU: W125942-JK-017
In Stock
  • Black
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • X Large
  • XX Large



Imagine wandering the wooden chalets, rocky mountain peaks, glistening lakes and sprawling glaciers of Zermatt, Switzerland and THEN finishing your evening with a cheese fondue. The only thing that would complete this picture is doing it in our Zermatt Leather Bomber jacket.

Using only the finest raw materials and softest full grain leather, this thick and robust jacket is lined around the collar with the softest and richest New Zealand sheep’s wool - creating a detachable shearling collar that lifts the look from a cheese fondue to a Michelin star restaurant overlooking the Swiss Alps. Go from the slopes to a mountainside chalet, with this one-of-a-kind piece.

PLEASE NOTE: The Zermatt is an oversize style. Our model is 187cm tall and wearing a size M.


  • Full grain New Zealand lamb leather
  • New Zealand Lamb Shearling detachable collar
  • Zipper closure
  • Sporty style ribbing at cuff and hem 
  • 2 x external open pockets
  • 2 x button-close pockets
  • Satin lining


PLEASE NOTE: The Zermatt is an oversize style. Our model is 187cm tall and wearing a size M.

Custom Tab 01

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