The Oxford - Men's

The Wanderers Travel Co.
SKU: W125992-JK-013
In Stock
  • Azzurra
  • Black
  • Tan
  • Burgundy
  • Olive
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • X Large
  • XX Large



A résumé that boasts an Oxford graduate may as well head to the top of the pile. And that is exactly where you will stay when entering the room in our Oxford leather blazer.

This tailored suit jacket, with its structured design (and available in 5 signature colours), will work for an undergraduate interview through to a night at the Blenheim castle. The hallowed halls of Oxford's most infamous buildings are no match for the jacket everyone will be asking about - The Oxford Leather Blazer, a favourite amongst the latest Wanderers release.

*PLEASE NOTE: The Oxford is a true to size fit. Our model is 187cm and wearing a size M.


  • Full grain leather
  • Double button closure
  • Tailored style with vent at the back
  • Button detail on the cuff
  • 3 x external open pockets
  • Satin lining


*PLEASE NOTE: The Oxford is a true to size fit. Our model is 187cm and wearing a size M.

Custom Tab 01

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