The Londoner Cardi - Men's

The Wanderers Travel Co.
SKU: W125434-JK-021
Regular Price $379.00 Sale Price Unit price: $0.00
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Quick Overview

Description Details Measurements Description Immersed in history but as cool and modern as they come, London is a diverse, eclectic mix of old and new and it has something for everyone! A city full of important historic landmarks and vast lush parkland, it is big, vibrant and bursting with ideas...

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Immersed in history but as cool and modern as they come, London is a diverse, eclectic mix of old and new and it has something for everyone! A city full of important historic landmarks and vast lush parkland, it is big, vibrant and bursting with ideas and energy but whilst still preserving cool casual Londoner vibe.

Our Leather Cardi is just that! Based on a cool casual cardigan design but modernized with press stud closure, ribbing detail on hem and cuff, open pockets and crafted from the softest lamb leather. Our Londoner Leather Cardi will have you standing out from the crowd.


  • Full grain lamb leather
  • Press stud closure
  • Sporty style ribbing at cuff and hem
  • 2 x external open pockets
  • Cotton and satin lining


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